

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior"

This post specifically goes out to all the 20-something year-olds/college kids out there. I mean anyone can read this, but I feel like this age group will better understand where I am coming from. I have been hearing the words "purpose" and "plan" a bit more than usual for the past month. You know, everyone around you is asking: "What are your plans after college?""What careers are you looking at?""Where would you like to go?" "Are you dating anyone?" (okay that last one was just my personal experience). Then, as Christians we are always brought back to the thought: What is God's purpose for my life? So we try to have a plan. We choose our path only to have that door slammed right in our faces, leaving us outside lost and confused about where to go from here (that was me this week, by the way).

It is kind of scary and I have not been sure how to feel about it, until tonight.
Tonight at a campus ministry, New Life, I prayed a prayer. More specifically, I prayed the lyrics to the song "Oceans" by Hillsong (listed above). It struck a chord in me. Actually no, it was stronger than that. The words hit me like a tidal wave and flooded my heart, mind, and body that brought me truth and fear. Yes, fear. Fear because I knew as I prayed these words for my life, God would answer. I could feel him almost chuckling saying "Are you sure you want to do this?", because I know if I ask my father to "lead me where my trust is without borders..deeper than my feet could ever wander" he will do it; and that is scary for me. However, I only had that choking fear for a brief moment before it was overcome with peace. The song continues to say:

"My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine"

So after praying for God to take my future and make it his, I chose peace over fear, thanks to God's truth in these lyrics. What do I have to fear? I am God's. He loves me. He protects me. He is in control and knows what is best for me. This is God who knit me together and knows every hair on my head. Pretty sure that means he knows me better than I know myself. So why should I be afraid to give him my life? My plans? My future? Isn't that why I am here anyways, as a servant to God and proclaimer of the Gospel? If I am God's, then my life belongs to him as well, and there is freedom in that. Not fear. He is a God of freedom and love, so therefore I will trust him with my life.
Whew. Crazy stuff right? I mean I am not saying it will be easy, life with God is not typically easy, but this grasp of faith and trust is the first step in the right direction.
I had the privilege of seeing Donald Miller speak a couple weeks ago. His words also brought truth to this issue of "the plan" for your life. Here are some pretty sweet points I took from what he had to say:

-Our primary desire is to find meaning, but meaning is not a place we arrive at, it is something we experience.
-Jesus offers meaning, not comfort and glory.
-Find that thing that lights you up and gives you joy, and go do that with Jesus.
-Everything beautiful comes with a fight.

I especially love the last two points. Want to know what to do with your life? What gives you joy and lights you up? Go do that and go glorify Jesus through it. And the best part is Jesus wants to do it with you. What a sweet father. Also, everything beautiful comes with a fight. Think about it, what are the most meaningful things you have seen/done? Were you fearful or nervous about it beforehand? That's what I find to be true for me, all of the biggest, most meaningful experiences in my life started with fear and doubt. But I overcame it, and I'm sure glad I did. That's all you have to do too. Do not let fear control your life because it will prevent you from doing what God has called you to do. 
When I look back on my short life thus far, God has taken me to some incredible places and let me experience beautiful times. I want him to do the same for the rest of my life.

So I may not know what my plans are after graduation next year, where I will work, or even where I will live, but I do know this: I will do what I love, and I will do it wholeheartedly glorifying Jesus. I want to jump full-force into God's plan for my life joyfully and without fear, no matter how deep the waters are, because I trust he will embrace me in his presence as we embark on our adventures together.
So my friends, what's your plan?

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