
New Adventures

Summer is here my friends! Hallelujah.
I know it has been awhile since my last post on here, but I have been plenty busy in this last month of school. It's been full of flowers, pretty drives, thrifting, graduations, goodbyes, and new friends (and of course lots of studying, projects, papers, blah blah blah). I know you didn't ask, but here are the highlights:

I am personally a big fan of reflection at the end/beginning of milestones in my life. I love sitting with God and going through the lessons he taught me, the hard moments, the times I felt far from him (only to be followed by the realizations that he never left me), the adventures we went on together, and the beautiful times I saw him in my days. This year, as I began my drive down the mountain towards home, I decided to stop on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and goodness I'm so glad I did. As I sat with mountains spread around me as far as the eye could see, I was hit with the realization of how small I am. Like y'all, this world is huge. As I sat there I whispered "Jesus you are so good to me, thank you for these mountains that provide beauty and humility in my life," and as soon as I said it I could hear God move with these words: "My dear, these are great, but you are my real masterpiece." And that's real y'all. Yes the sights in this world are incredible, but those are a speck of dust compared to how God sees us, and lets be honest- his opinion is the only one that matters. So that was a sweet realization.
I also loved taking in this view of the mountains because I am heading east for the summer, way east, like the furthest east I've ever been in North Carolina. I will be living on the Carolina coast on Hatteras Island volunteering with a ministry, three 1 six, hanging out with high school kids. It's something a bit out of my comfort zone, but that's what God calls us to right? (answer- yes.)
So I am beyond excited about this opportunity and it's going to be an incredible experience. I honestly don't know what to expect, but God has led me there so I know it is good and right for me. It makes me think that there are a lot of uncertainties in life, times when the next step is fuzzy and we don't know what we are going into. That's when I remind myself of this truth, the only thing I know for sure is that I will be God's forever, so therefore I will trust. No matter what happens in life, what changes occur, the one thing that remains is Jesus; and I belong to him. So all I can do is trust. Trust that he loves me, knows me, wants what's best for me, has chosen me, and will carry me through life's endeavors. I hope that is comforting for you, as it has been for me.
So my friends, wherever the Lord takes you this summer, go in boldness and go with the truth that it is where God has planned for you, so trust him.

p.s.- I met this guy the other day. Dream. Come. True.

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