
[just say yes]

England was such a dream to explore, but my favorite day was the last one. Here's why:

On our last day in England, Haley and I took the train out to the countryside to the small town of Horley. Upon arrival, we settled into our Bed & Breakfast, looked at each other, shrugged and said, "What now?" The cutest older British man told us about Brighton, his words were something like this: "It is a city on the sea, a lot of young hip kids enjoy it, you gals should enjoy the town and there's even a pier to walk on."
So, there's a pier, "young and hip kids", and an ocean. That's about all we knew. We didn't have any other ideas what to do, so do we listen to this man?
Haley and I stood in the Gatwick train station staring at the departure times. She turned to me and said, "You in?" Without missing a beat I said, "Yeah, why not?"

Turns out, the day could not have been more perfect. In Brighton, we  found rows and rows of beautiful, colorful architecture, a pebbled shore lining the English Channel, a pier with a small carnival on it, and little hole-in-the-wall shops with pleasant English folk. Those were the best days of the trip, when we had no itinerary, we just went and simply explored what was around us.

Haley and I reflected on our day and wondered, what would we have done if we did not say yes? We definitely would not have seen the English Channel, or chased rainbows, or discovered back roads of English coastal homes. It made us realize all we miss out on when we pass up opportunities because we are too scared, worried, or doubtful.

I don't think God meant for life to be lived this way, in fear of the unknown. That's why he calls us to great faith. It takes great faith to say yes, to step out, to trust and just go. Whether it is buying a train ticket, making a decision, or trying something new, we are not made for fear but for life, and life to the fullest.

I am so thankful for that day in Brighton, that we trusted and just said yes to a new adventure, and I am oh so thankful for the opportunities to come that are hidden in the unknown, because I am not letting fear control those decisions. Will you?


  1. Lauren,

    This was post was really inspiring! I tend to say no way too often in life. You have a great balance of photos and text with your blog as well.

  2. The photos are just too good. This post really makes me realize how much there is out there to see and how small one person is compared to our great big world!
